49% off (Sale price $95.00 ) :: $95 for a One-Hour Mobile Video-Game Party for Up to 12 People from Street Games ($189 Value)

49% off (Sale price $95.00, Reg. Price $189.00) :: Video games are like life: a bewildering maze filled with challenges, where the only way to get ahead is to have your pet dinosaur eat the boss. Take a break from reality with this voucher.The Deal $95 for a VIP Experience mobile video-game party for up to 12 people ($189 value)A climate-controlled gaming bus with space for up to 12 players pulls up to clients’ doorsteps for one hour of digital enjoyment. Four high-definition plasma televisions line the walls opposite a long leather sofa, each screen hooked up to a Wii or Xbox 360. More than 300 game titles are on tap, including popular titles such as Super Mario Galaxy 2, Rock Band 3, and Call of Duty: Black Ops. A gaming concierge remains on the scene for the entire party, helping guests load games and shoveling coal into the bus’s onboard generator. The VIP Experience is a smaller, more intimate gaming experience than Street Games other mobile parties.

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