50% off (Sale price $20.60, Reg. Price $41.45) :: Orchestra, mezzanine, or balcony section Click here to view the seating chart Balcony and Mezzanine Seats are located upstairs without elevator accessHow G-Pass Works: Within an hour of purchase, your G-Pass will be in your account. You may redeem your G-Pass via the mobile app when you enter the venue. You may also print it out in advance. Use the G-Pass to enter the venue directly; you won’t need to redeem at will call. Discount reflects the merchant’s current ticket prices – price may differ on day of event.The Choir of Man The show: Audience members grab a pint and clink glasses with nine singing and tap-dancing lads who perform on a set transformed into a real-working pub. What youll hear: up to 90 minutes of music covering everything from pub tunes, folk, Broadway, and classic rock, as well as popular songs by Adele, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and more The buzz: After touring the U.K. and Australia to much acclaim, The Choir of Man makes its North American debut with a cast of world-class dancers, singers, poets, and instrumentalists ready to deliver what Broadway Baby calls a feast for the senses.