30% off (Sale price $12.50, Reg. Price $18.00) :: August 1917. Wilfred Owen, a 24-year-old shell-shocked British soldier, meets the famous poet, soldier, and war protestor Siegfried Sassoon at Craiglockhart War Hospital in Scotland. Their mutual love of poetry and disillusionment with the war draws them together, sparking a powerful friendship. Sassoon nurtures Owen’s budding talent, and between them, they convey the horror of their experiences in the death-filled trenches of France and Germany in a way that forever alters the public’s opinion of World War I. Their story is a testament to the enduring power of love and poetry.The tickets identified in this promotion are made available through Goldstar. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by 7 Stages in connection with this deal.This offer is not eligible for promo codes.