38% off (Sale price $49.00 ) :: The Dinner Detective Claremont Murder Mystery (October 27 – November 1)

38% off (Sale price $49.00, Reg. Price $79.90) :: General admission Includes commemorative mug Tickets include a four-course meal. Click to view the menu. Click here to view available dates.The Dinner Detective Murder MysteryThe Dinner Detective Murder Mystery eschews campy costumes and plots for an exciting evening of food-accompanied mystery and paranoia, where actors hide among the diners, playing innocent and making everyone a potential suspect. To solve the crime, guests freely interrogate one another, chivvying out clues about the murderer and determining who has a bloodthirsty look in their eyes. Between dramatic deaths and simulated police involvement, guests dig into four-course meals, washed down with bottomless iced tea, coffee, and drinks from the cash bar. The diner who comes closest to solving the mystery through their snooping goes home with a prize basket to show off to their friends or split with the murderer as per their shadowy conspiracy. Prop guns and gunshot sound effects may be used during the performance.

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