54% off (Sale price $16.00 ) :: “Fire in a Dark House” – Thursday, Nov 15, 2018 / 8:00pm

54% off (Sale price $16.00, Reg. Price $35.00) :: Fire in a Dark House is a world premiere drama about two star-crossed young lovers, their families and community who are thrown into turmoil as anti-immigrant fervor sweeps the nation during World War I. This play is a poignant wartime romance set in 1918. A passionate young woman named Rose falls for the son of a newspaper publisher — a powerful man who is waging a dangerous propaganda campaign against immigrant families, including her own. Drawing inspiration from historical events, this plays themes resonate strongly today. Fire in a Dark House asks us to consider what it means to be an American, an immigrant, a young Dreamer and a patriot.The tickets identified in this promotion are made available through Goldstar. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by Whitefire Theatre in connection with this deal.This offer is not eligible for promo codes.

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