37% off (Sale price $32.34 ) :: WOW – The Vegas Spectacular

37% off (Sale price $32.34, Reg. Price $52.00) :: Seating: tables, premium, booth, preferred side right, or reserved Click to view the seating chartHow G-Pass Works: Within an hour of purchase, your G-Pass will be in your account. You may redeem your G-Pass via the mobile app when you enter the venue. You may also print it out in advance. Use the G-Pass to enter the venue directly; you won’t need to redeem at will call. Discount reflects the merchant’s current ticket prices – price may differ on day of event.WOW – The Vegas Spectacular The show: an internationally acclaimed production where more than 30 artists flip, dance and fly through the sky of a 180 degree theatrical setting. The production: includes 3D multi-media projections, theatrical lighting, water walls, holograms, and more. What to expect: breathtaking acrobatics, extraordinary choreography, and casts members who were finalist on Americas Got Talent

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