24% off (Sale price $113.00, Reg. Price $150.00) :: Horses boast many advantages over cars: cheaper fuel, better off-roading capability, and much easier to breed. Choose the clear winner with this voucher.Choose from Three Options$113 for a trail-ride experience for two ($150 total value) A 1.5-hour trail ride for two 15 minutes of basic equine instruction$208 for a trail-ride experience for four ($300 total value) A 1.5-hour trail ride for four 15 minutes of basic equine instruction$281 for a trail-ride experience for six ($450 total value) A 1.5-hour trail ride for six 15 minutes of basic equine instructionBusiness Hours: Open 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Rides begin at 9:00 a.m. each day Last ride departs at 4:00 p.m. Open 7 days, closed Thanksgiving and ChristmasAfter a brief lesson, instructors guide riders across wooded trails on arabian, paint, spanish-mustang, and appaloosa horses. Children 5 and older may take to the trails on gentle horses or be lead lined by skilled wranglers. Children younger than 5 can be hand led on ponies around the stable grounds.