29% off (Sale price $289.00 ) :: Weekday or Weekend VIP Tandem Jump for One, Two, or Four at Skydive Monterey Bay (Up to 31% Off)

29% off (Sale price $289.00, Reg. Price $409.00) :: Choose from Six Options $289 for a weekday VIP jump for one ($409 value) $299 for a weekend VIP jump for one ($419 value) $549 for a weekday VIP jump for two ($798 value) $569 for a weekend VIP jump for two ($818 value)The tandem jump takes place at 18,000 feet—one of the worlds highest jumps—leading to an astounding 90 seconds of freefall. VIPs receive priority boarding, a framed diploma, and a special gear-store gift.Professional Video and Photography packages available as additional services upon arrival.

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