31% off (Sale price $13.75 ) :: Saturdance — The Latin Disco Experience – Saturday, Dec 22, 2018 / 10:30pm

31% off (Sale price $13.75, Reg. Price $20.00) :: Join us for our very first Saturday Night Party full of the classics –retro pop, salsa, latin and disco music — with the #1 cover band EA from Venezuela! Bring your dancing shoes and enjoy a nostalgic evening swinging to pop 70s 80s hits with a Latin twist! EA, the cover show, has traveled all around the globe for 20 years and now Boca Black Box in Boca Raton is going to get a taste of this unique experience!The tickets identified in this promotion are made available through Goldstar. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by Boca Black Box in connection with this deal.This offer is not eligible for promo codes.

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