31% off (Sale price $15.75 ) :: Hill House Chamber Players

31% off (Sale price $15.75, Reg. Price $23.00) :: The Hill House Chamber Players, musicians from the Minnesota Orchestra and University of Minnesota faculty, perform in the intimate space of the art gallery of the historic James J Hill House in Saint Paul. Their 2018-2019 theme, Trio Masterworks, is both a celebration and exploration of the diverse repertoire for combinations of piano, violin, viola, cello and clarinet. For this fall concert, youll enjoy Beethovens Ghost Trio, Op. 70, plus works by Hummel, Bach and Dumka. Admission includes a pre-concert conversation with the musicians and music blogger Emily Hogstad, intermission refreshments and a post-performance tour of the magnificent Gilded Age mansion.The tickets identified in this promotion are made available through Goldstar. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by James J. Hill House in connection with this deal.This offer is not eligible for promo codes.

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