34% off (Sale price $16.50 ) :: Comedian Kellye Howard – Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018 / 8:00pm

34% off (Sale price $16.50, Reg. Price $25.00) :: Stand-up comic Kellye Howards been featured on Comedy Central, TBS, NBC, FOX, WGN, as well as several other media outlets including multiple written publications. Whether youve seen her at a live storytelling show, listened to her latest podcast (Kellye Talks), or read something shes written online, the themes are all the same — real-life experiences expressed in a comedic fashion. Catch her latest stand-up set at Zanies Rosemont.The tickets identified in this promotion are made available through Goldstar. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by Zanies – Rosemont in connection with this deal.This offer is not eligible for promo codes.

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