39% off (Sale price $119.00 ) :: $119 for a Submarine-Scooter and Turtle-Watching Adventure from Island Water Sports Hawaii ($198 Value)

39% off (Sale price $119.00, Reg. Price $198.00) :: The Deal $119 for two-hour submarine-eco-scooter and scenic turtle-watching tour ($198 value)An experienced staff member guides participants through the waters of Maunalua Bay. After a short briefing, participants get to ride a self-propelled, eco-friendly submarine electric scooter for 20 minutes amid colorful fish, corals, and sea turtles. Additionally, customers can enjoy 90 minutes of turtle watching while on a 50-foot power catamaran boat. The tour also includes a refreshment and snack, along with time allotted for swimming, snorkeling, and staring directly into the sun.

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