39% off (Sale price $29.00 ) :: Three-Hour Whale-Watching Tour for One, Two, Four, Six, or 10 from San Diego Whale Watch (Up to 54% Off)

39% off (Sale price $29.00, Reg. Price $48.00) :: Whats included: three-hour whale watching tour narrated by a marine biologist The Coast Guard–certified boat features indoor and outdoor seating for 149 passengers and a snack bar and galley (cash only). Departure times available from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Departure location: 1717 Quivira Road Notable sightings: dolphins, sea lions, and seabirds throughout the year as well as Pacific gray whales (December–April) and blue, minke, humpback, and sperm whales (May–November) Free parking is available for passengers.

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