40% off (Sale price $15.00, Reg. Price $25.00) :: After purchasing this deal, you will need to visit the website listed on your voucher to complete redemption. Choice of: Chicago Walking Tour for One (Choice of Three Tours) Chicago Walking Tour for Two (Choice of Three Tours) Chicago Walking Tour for Four (Choice of Three Tours)Include: Chicago History Tour (in the Pedway) Customers explore and listen to the guides as they tell the stories such as the Fort Dearborn Massacre, Union Stockyards, the Great Chicago that helped shape Chicago into one of the most appealing cities in the world. Pedway Explorers Tour Participants learn about the history of Chicago and navigate nearly 1.25 miles of the urban terrain. As the tour proceeds, guests can enjoy stops at some of Chicago’s historical destinations History Architecture Tour Guests explore some of the historical wonders and architectural gems of Chicago. The tour includes the following history-unraveling stories: Great Chicago Fire, Iroquois Theater Fire, River Reversal, Transportation Hub and the Midwest’s Economic Wonder. Along the way, participants stroll along the “Loop” and get to see some of the world’s first modern skyscrapers like the Marquette, Monadnock Rookery Buildings.