42% off (Sale price $22.00 ) :: 19th Annual Santa Bar Crawl for Two, Four, or Six on December 8 from Santa Bar Crawl (Up to 50% Off)

42% off (Sale price $22.00, Reg. Price $38.00) :: Whats included: registration, wristband, itinerary, and special offers at chosen bars Age restriction: Must be 21 or older 19th Annual Santa Bar Crawl takes place on December 8 Length of crawl: From 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. Registration required Registration starts at 3 p.m. at Flight Beer Garden Music Hall, first 1,500 crawlers receive a commemorative koozie Designated drivers who dont consume alcohol are welcome and can attend the crawl for free. Participants are encouraged to wear holiday costumes, Santa suits preferred.

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