45% off (Sale price $219.00, Reg. Price $399.00) :: A Chat with TC Tech TutorWhat services does your business offer and what makes your business stand out from the competition?We make it simple to prepare your student for college. The prestigious TotalCollegePrep summer camp is partnered with 30 local experts and businesses to provide all-in-one preparation and fun to prepare for your senior year.What is the experience customers can expect?Three experiences in one: Boost scores with a full ACT/SAT prep course; prepare for the future with college workshops that enlist local experts and universities to cover topics such as financial aid or essay help; explore your career with program partners and career workshops.What was the inspiration to start or run this business?The process of preparing for college can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and expensive. The TotalCollegePrep summer program brings more than 30 local experts, universities, and businesses together to simplify the process and make it fun while giving participants a head start on a successful senior year.What do you love most about your job?We love to see the success stories and confidence in the students we assist!