46% off (Sale price $15.00 ) :: Sesame Street Live! Let’s Party! on Saturday, November 24, or Sunday, November 25, at 10:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m

46% off (Sale price $15.00, Reg. Price $28.00) :: Seating: first or second balcony, orchestra, or front orchestra or mezzanine Click here to view the seating chartSesame Street Live! Lets Party! Jump to the Beat: introducing an all-new, interactive show that unfolds on one of the world’s most famous streets at the funniest, furriest party in the neighborhood What to Expect: a musically driven show that encourages crowd-participation from start to finish, inviting children and adults alike to dance, sing, and interact with their favorite characters Songs You’ll Hear: a collection of all new songs and familiar Sesame Street favorites, such as “I Love Trash” and “C is for Cookie”

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