50% off (Sale price $14.75 ) :: Decades Collide: 80s vs 90s Dance Party with Biz Markie on Friday, November 23, at 7 p.m

50% off (Sale price $14.75, Reg. Price $29.50) :: General admission standing Age restriction: Must be 18 or olderHow G-Pass Works: Within an hour of purchase, your G-Pass will be in your account. You may redeem your G-Pass via the mobile app when you enter the venue. You may also print it out in advance. Discount reflects the merchant’s current ticket prices – price may differ on day of event.Decades Collide: 80s vs 90s Dance Party with Biz Markie The Collision: a set of 80s jams running headlong into a second set of pure 90s The Driver: Biz Markie takes the wheel all night long How You Know Him: as The Clown Prince of Hip-Hop, and his signature hit Just a Friend How Your Kids Know Him: as the beat-boxing sensei on Yo Gabba Gabba! How His Mom Knows Him: as Marcel Theo Hall His Other Aliases: the beat-boxing slug Snorlock on Adventure Time and pizzeria-owner Vinnie in Sharknado 2 (the campy B-movie, not the BBC period drama) Joining Biz: two cover bands—Groove Kitty and Rising Star—wholl breakout solid renditions of their chosen eras hits

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