50% off (Sale price $18.00 ) :: Open-Skate or Ice Jam Session with Skate Rentals for Two or Four at Skylands Ice World (Up to 51% Off)

50% off (Sale price $18.00, Reg. Price $36.00) :: The frictionless thrill of ice-skating is what people seek whenever they skid across linoleum in socks or dive down the county fairs butter slides. Dont let anything slow you down with this voucher.Choose from Four Options $12 for open-skate admission (up to a $9 value per person) for two (up to a $24 total value) $24 for open-skate admission for four (up to a $48 total value) $18 for Ice Jam skating admission (up to a $15 value per person) for two (a $36 total value) $35 for Ice Jam skating admission for four (a $72 total value)pAll options include skate rentals (a $3 value per person).p

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