50% off (Sale price $22.00 ) :: $22 For 90-Minutes Of Jumping For 2 (Reg. $44)

50% off (Sale price $22.00, Reg. Price $44.00) :: Every child dreams of flying or climbing to the top of a large tree. Help them realize that dream (with added safety and monitoring!) and take fun to extreme new heights at Extreme Air with this deal for 90-minutes of jumping for 2, a $44 value, for only $22.When kids get antsy theres a better solution for releasing that pent-up energy than letting them run loose in your living room–take them to Extreme Air! An abundance of fun activities await, from extreme dodgeball, battle beams, rock climbing to extreme slam dunk. Watch your kids play while you relax at the Parent Penthouse, where free wi-fi and comfortable massage chairs are available for your convenience.This deal is made available on Groupon by Local Flavor. Customers will receive a Local Flavor certificate, not a Groupon voucher. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by Extreme Air in connection with this deal.

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