50% off (Sale price $40.00 ) :: $40 For 4 People For 3 Games Each, Shoe Rental, 1 Large Pizza & 1 Pitcher Soda (Reg. $80)

50% off (Sale price $40.00, Reg. Price $80.00) :: You don’t have to be a professional boxer to knock things down on a regular basis, though it would be a great excuse to wear those super shiny shorts you’ve been holding onto. Slip on your bowling shoes and set course for strikes with this deal at Cordova Bowling Center, good for 3 games each for 4 people plus shoe rental, 1 large pizza and 1 pitcher of soda. It’s an $80 package, yours for $40.Before you settle in for another weekend of binge-watching TV, tending to the lawn and arranging your ceramic pig collection, consider how fun it can be to share a pastime that’s just as good as the first time: bowling. You and the fam or three friends will have a blast at Cordova, channeling your inner champion, chowing down on tasty pizza and chasing it with ice cold soda. Rain or shine, it’s one indoor activity that’s always a ball.This deal is made available on Groupon by Local Flavor. Customers will receive a Local Flavor certificate, not a Groupon voucher. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by Cordova Bowling Center in connection with this deal.

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