50% off (Sale price $90.00, Reg. Price $180.00) :: A Chat with Brooklyn GuitarWorksWhat services does your business offer and what makes your business stand out from the competition?Brooklyn GuitarWorks is an independently-owned school for guitar enthusiasts dedicated to making the instrument accessible to students of all ages, skill and interest levels. This Groupon is for our flagship Get Better Faster course, which is designed to set beginning guitarists up for success.Do you provide any materials? What should your students expect to bring?Bring a guitar, a notebook, some picks and your enthusiasm for the instrument 🙂 PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS A 4-DAY COURSE THAT MEETS ONCE A WEEK FOR 4 WEEKS. Each 4-week course has a maximum capacity of 10 students, but we offer several classes each month. Please contact GuitarWorks to reserve a spot!What was the inspiration to start or run this business?I just celebrated my 15th year as a private guitar instructor and have decided to spend the NEXT 15 years reaching as many people as possible. I love the guitar, love watching other people connect to the instrument for the first time, and have a really consistent success rate with beginners pros.What do you love most about your job?Everything. My father was a full-time guitar instructor, and now both of his children are as well. We come to you as at true family business, proud of our craft and excited about sharing our knowledge with others.