54% off (Sale price $227.00, Reg. Price $495.00) :: At the wildest concerts, singers have been known to throw themselves into the crowd and end their sentences with prepositions. Be shocked and appalled at your own talents with this voucherLive deal. Tis The Season – the holiday workshop. Workshop #484 – Tis The Season* takes place on Thursday evenings(6:30-9:30) beginning on Nov. 8th at Studio 353. Rehearsals: Nov. 8, Nov. 15* (skip Thanksgiving), Nov. 29. Dec. 6th. Performance: December 13th at The Triad* – 7:30 Showtime.(5:30-7:00 is the Pre-Show Tech Rehearsal) December 20th – DVD Viewing Party 7-10PM (Offices of TSE)The Deal $227 for a six-week singing workshop with a live cabaret performance and DVD viewing party (a $495 value)Cabaret performer Linda Amiel Burns leads a group of up to 16 singers through an interactive workshop that focuses on microphone technique, communication, and overcoming stage fright. After students refine their vocals and work one-on-one with an accompanist for four weeks, they perform in front of a live audience at The Triad. The following week, they attend a DVD viewing party of the event. See the schedule for info on the September/October and November/December sessions.