61% off (Sale price $97.50 ) :: Introductory Art Classes for Kids, Teens, or Adults at Mission: Renaissance (Up to 62% Off)

61% off (Sale price $97.50, Reg. Price $255.00) :: Choose Between Two Options $97.50 for four introductory fine-art classes for kids (a $255 value) $119 for four introductory fine-art classes for teens or adults (a $315 value) Kids art classes, which are suited to students between the ages of 5 and 12, show youngsters how to use charcoal and pastels to create basic shapes with three-dimensional effects. Instructors also introduce watercolors to explain the relationships between primary, secondary, and complementary colors. The programs for teens and adults begin by teaching attendees how to create confident sketches before showing them how to create life-like forms with depth, form, and perspective. Books and materials are included.

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