65% off (Sale price $31.50, Reg. Price $90.00) :: Paintings are a window into the artists thoughts, from Pollocks chaotic canvases to the little frowny faces on each star in Starry Night. Paint it out with this voucher.Choose from Three Options $31.50 for one two-hour Cork-N-Canvas BYOB painting class for two, valid Thursday and Friday (a $90 value) $64.50 for a four-session Kids After School Art course for one, valid Monday and Wednesday (a $140 value) $64.50 for a two-hour Family Night Out painting class for up to four (a $160 value) Every Thursday and Friday night, adults gather for Cork-N-Canvas classes, where they can sip on BYOB beverages while following the instructor’s step-by-step guidance to complete a ready-to-hang painting. Kid’s After School Art sessions, on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, teach children aged 5–14 about art history and how to complete projects in various media, such as canvas painting.