75% off (Sale price $9.00 ) :: Paintball Package for Two, Four, or Ten at Paintball Knights (Up to 89% Off)

75% off (Sale price $9.00, Reg. Price $36.00) :: What’s included: entry, guns, masks, all-day air Where you’ll play: nine grass-covered fields. Age restrictions: must be 10 or older, 12 and younger must provide proof of age.Common Paintball Games, Defined Elimination: Play continues until only one player—or team—is left in play. Capture the Flag: Players cross into enemy territory to capture the other teams flag, which they must safely return to their homebase. Speedball: Games are played on a small, flat field, which typicallly contains an equal number of colorful, artificial bunkers on each side. Woodsball: Played in the great outdoors, games often simulate military scenarios and are played in conjunction with scenario or capture the flag games. Scenario: Teams complete missions to score points—all within the confines of a larger storyline. Scenarios often include historical reenactments and military-style play.

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